Speculation - Sony Struggles

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

This morning the credit rating services of Fitch and Moody's downgraded Sony stock to Junk Bond status after the company announced a $1.2 billion USD dollar loss for the quarter. That's a loss of $13.5 million USD every day. Standard and Poor's is expected to follow suit in days if not hours.

This spring's release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has highlighted Sony's problems for the past five years when it comes to Columbia Pictures.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 production budget was in excess of $200 million USD according to multiple sources and upwards of $50 million USD was spent on marketing.   When you add in the fact that Sony and Columbia Pictures use a line of credit (loan) to pay for the tent pole films you can add upwards of 15% to the cost of the film.     An astute blogger has suggested that with production costs, marketing costs, and interests on these line of credit the real cost of TASM2  was somewhere in the $275 to $290 million USD making it the most expensive film ever made.   To put this in perspective including marketing both X-Men: Days of Future Past and Marvel's The Avengers were in the $200 to $220 million USD.
So far in 2014 Sony / Columbia pictures have release 16 films (18 including films released during December 2013) and made $1.1 billion USD in US Domestic Release.  Figuring in the theaters percentage drops that number to around $880 million USD.  That sounds good until you factor in that the announced budget for those films was $954 million USD.  
By way of comparison Buena Vista made $1 billion USD on an investment of $700 million USD and 20th Century Fox mad $1.3 Billion on $800 million USD investment.   Of the major six studios only Sony / Columbia Pictures did not turn a profit in the US domestic market.
That's not to say Sony and Columbia Pictures did not turn a profit on their worldwide releases, world wide Sony brought in an additional $1.2 billion dollars in comparison to $2.7 billion for Buena Vista and roughly the same $2.7 billion USD for 20th Century Fox.

In 2015 unless Sony has a breakout hit on their hands it is only going to get worse finically.   To be fair Bond 24 and Popeye are on the list of 11 movies that Sony is releasing.

Lets not get started with the 2016 list of films Sony has already announced....

You remember the point of downgrading Sony's Credit Rating, well that effects how much it costs Sony to borrow money, the lower the credit rating the higher the fees and interest rates are.
Add into that Sony, unlike Buena Vista and 20th Century Fox, uses a line of credit to pay for tent pole films and the cost of these films is going to increase by 5 to 10 percent each.    For a film like TASM2 the costs would add $15 to $30 million USD without adding additional revenue.

What can Sony / Columbia Pictures do?

1) Do nothing.
2) Reduce the amount of money it spends on films
3) Sell, Spin of Columbia Pictures
4) Sell some of the rights Sony owns to competitors
5) Work with their competitors

1) Do Nothing
This is the least likely scenario I see playing out.  Sony Stock holders have given the latest chairmen a little breathing room as he has only been on board 18 months and is working diligently to reduce costs, get innovative, and sell off other properties.   More has to change if he is going to keep his job another 18 months.

2) Reduce the amount of money it spends on films
The real problem here is the cost of film is increasing, while some new technology is reducing the cost of post production CGI rendering (OTOY cloud based system for example) Sony competitors are using more CGI in every film with reduced costs.

3) Sell, Spin off Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures did post a profit in 2013 and will again in 2014 including worldwide box office receipts, but its profits are not at the same level of the other five major studios.  Add in the studio is worth $30 to $45 billion today it may be attractive, but to who?  

4) Sell some of the rights Sony owns to competitors
In this case lets look at the Spider-Man IP, its worth $2 to $4 Billion, that 2 to 4 times the total amount of box office receipts for the entirety of 2014.
Unfortunately that leaves Sony with one fewer  tent pole opportunity in their line up.   They have nothing to replace it with.

5) Work with their competitors
While not as common as it once was this is something Sony could look at especially on its tent pole films as a way to not only reduce the cost of these films but reduce the overall risk.

What do I think should happen and what do I think will happen?

I think Sony has/is tried/trying to sell some IPs or assets.  I however don't think there is a buyer at the moment willing to move under Sony's conditions.  Sony is desperate at the moment, with multiple reports of their studio chiefs making the rounds to visit their competitors is not a good sign.   The problem is the heads of competitor studios probably smell blood in the water at the moment and like any good shark knows its better to wait until the prey is completely helpless.

Focusing on just the Spider-Man IP for a moment. 
Who could Sony sell it to? 
Marvel the most likely candidate, but they can afford to be patient as the studio doesn't need the IP, but wouldn't mind having it.  If Sinister Six fails the bottom falls out of the value.   Rather than the $2 billion Sony would love to get it drops to $500 million.   Marvel is in position to wait.
Marvel isn't the only candidate to sell the IP to, there is also 20th Century Fox.   Lets be honest a sale to Fox also sets up a potential long and costly legal battle it not out of the realm of possibility here.  While Marvel can wait a year or two 20th Century Fox will know more about their position with the release of The Fantastic Four comes closer.    20th Century Fox is spending millions on a test to see if they can reduce the cost of films using OTOY for post production rendering.   If they are happy with the result they could enter into bidding for the IP to add it to their X-Men and Fantastic Four IPs they already control.   A bidding war is the only way that Sony gets any value out of the IP by the way, however the rumors on the street for The Fantastic Four are not good making that possibility less likely.

There are multiple rumors that Marvel is willing to work with Sony, including financing for the Marvel related films, if Marvel gets some control over the scripts and ability to use characters in their own films.
For Sony this devalues the IP immensely, especially if they want to sell the IP.   It destroys any ability to get a bidding war started.  There is no way 20th Century Fox would even consider submitting a bid under those circumstances. 

So Sony is stuck.
Under duress Sony will eventually come to terms with Marvel Studios.   Whether it is a sale of the IP or mutual agreement to use characters is yet to be determined.    I think based upon what people are saying publically Marvel would prefer that Sony still be the releasing studio for the Spider-Man Universe as it frees up assets in Marvel Studios to focus on what is working for them today.  

Do You wanna build a snowman?

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

I stumbled across this Age of Ultron faux-trailer....

Glass Ceiling

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Over the past 36 hours there have been multiple posts in the blogosphere about a potential a female superhero team in the Spiderman Universe.   The project dubbed The Glass Ceiling is a super top secret project for Sony and Columbia Pictures

Its time to address the problems in rumor.

A ruling in a recent Federal Court case determined that it is copyright infringement to produce any work on an Intellectual Property that you do not own the rights to OR have permission from the owners.
Columbia Pictures acquired the Spiderman IP from MGM in March 1999, they traded the rights Columbia Pictures owned in the James Bond Franchise for them, ending a four year legal battle, that are connected to a sale of the license going back to 1982.  

The IP rights include the following characters from the Marvel Comic book Universe: Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Doctor Octopus/Otto Octavius, Green Goblin/Norman Osborn, (New) Green Goblin/Harry Osborn, [The Lizard]/Dr. Curt Connors, Sandman/Flint Marko, Venom/Eddie Brock Jr., Vulture, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Black Cat/Felicia Hardy, Silver Sable, Electro/Max Dillon, Rhino, Carnage/Cletus Kasady, Sinister Six, Shocker, Chameleon, The Gentleman, Dr. Ashley Kafka, Beetle, Betty Brant, Dennis Carradine (Buglar), J. Jonah Jameson, Ben Parker, May Parker, John Jameson, Joseph “Robbie” Robertson, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Mendel Stromm, Flash Thompson, Allistair Smythe, Spider-Slayers, Miles Warren/Jackal.

So when a report appears claiming that Sony is creating a Female Superhero team, its a very small team: Felicia Hardy. the Black Cat - who technically isn't even a superhero and Silver Sable, a mercenary who bends the law a lot who hasn't appeared in print

Many of the latest reports suggest Firestar, a mutant who's rights are owned by 20th Century Fox, Silk who came into existent after the 1998 licensing amendment so her rights are owned by Marvel, Spiderwoman (any of them) who rights clearly belong to Marvel, and the list goes on an on.

As Columbia Pictures doesn't control the rights to these other characters and they know they do not, as the characters are listed in court documents there isn't even a gray area, this would constitute willful copy right infringement and a violation of the Spiderman IP licensing agreement.
If a court found Sony/Columbia did this the penalty could be the immediate return of the Spiderman IP to Marvel.

It is jut to big consequence to do without Marvel and or 20th Century Fox consent.

Sony did sign a contract with Lisa Joy Nolan (Wife of Joe Nolan who's brother is Christopher Nolan) to prepare a first draft a female Superhero Spider-Man movie.  It is possible that both the Black Cat and the Silver Sable could be in the script but most people believe the script is looking at Felicia Hardy solo film as the Black Cat.

So its impossible for Sony to be working on a five member female superhero team?
No, not impossible rather extremely unlikely at this time.
Marvel could release say Tigra and Silk to Sony / Columbia but they want something in return, say the use of Spiderman in Avengers film.   Guess which one gets announced first?

SyFy - Imagine Greater

Posted by Jeff Labels:

This post probably needs to be re-written, but it just pisses me off what SyFy has become.

It seems like yesterday, honest it does, that my plans for Friday Evening included three hours of Television, you know the Sci Fi channel's Fantastic Friday evening broadcasts of The Invisible Man, Farscape, followed by Lexx.   To be honest The Invisible Man wasn't required viewing but it was on before Farscape, and Lexx well I still don't know what the heck the show was actually about.
Farscape at the time was the most watched television show on cable, imagine a low budget (well not that low) show telling of Homer's Odyssey it had a 1.6 TV rating in the valued 18-49 demographic and was watched by millions of viewers.   Today that show would be on broadcast TV, not cable and advertisers would be lining up to pay.  
Things changed and Farscape's ratings declined to a .9 and 4 million viewers, the show was cancelled after being renewed for a fifth season.    I like many Farscape viewers returned to watch the mini series Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars and the occasional episode of Eureka and Warehouse 13 since Farscape ended in 2003.   Yeah I know grudges die hard.  I tried over the years to catch Dresden Files and Flash Gordon, I might even admit to catching parts of season one of Alphas.  
Under full disclosure rules I watched the Battlestar Galatica mini series and the first episode of the series, but that was it for me.  Caprica I made it through the first 15 minutes of episode oneI cannot tell you why those two series didn't excite me, rather they just weren't my cup of tea (and I loath tea).
Stargate-SG1, Stargate: Atlantis were a couple of other shows that I might have watched two episodes.  Being Human was no where near as entertaining as the British Original which aired on another channel.   I tried Bitten but it didn't sink it's teeth into me.
Starting in 2009 any hope Sci Fi Channel had with individuals like me went out the window as they rebranded SyFy (I thought it was dumb then and still think its dumb now).    The quality of the shows they were producing dropped markedly and there was an in rush of reality TV, bad reality TV.      Reality TV is cheap, dirt cheap.
Today SyFy offers 11 scripted TV shows,  only 143 hours of new programming per year.   In comparison ABC offered just over 400 hours of scripted TV this year.   That doesn't include any of the reality TV shows or WWE.
James Hibbard of Entertainment Weekly offered us a look at SyFy's plans to lure viewers back in this weeks edition, which can be found online here.   Five new shows 60 hours of programming ... um wait a second...
Here's the deal, if SyFy really wants to bring back fans it needs to do so with actually programming.   Five new shows and 60 hours of programming coupled with the 143 hours is no where near what the Channel needs.   Its like handing a Band-Aid to the guy who just cut his arm off.  
I totally understand that Sci-Fi shows are more expensive, but come on...

If I was in charge of programming at SyFy here is what I would do...
1) WWE Smackdown has got to go.   It doesn't belong on SyFy. 

2) A decision has to be made on how you are going to cluster shows.
Do you put Supernatural shows together, do you spread them out do you...
Me I would cluster shows together.
* Supernatural
* Superhero
* Historical / Steampunk
* Fantasy
* Sci-Fi

You need to cluster in a way that makes sense.   For example if you air a Ghost Hunters type reality show you should pair it with a Supernatural Show. 
Using shows that currently air on SyFy:
7PM - Repeat "Being Human"
8PM - Ghost Hunters
9PM - Haven
10PM - Lost Girl

3) You have already started down the road with short series of shows having entire story arcs encompassing six seven eight shows.  Do it more.

4) You need Science Fiction on Sci Fi, not just supernatural, or near future Sci-Fi.   Something akin to Farscape and Battlestar Galatica.   Two shows, not one.

5) SyFy movies need a bigger budget and have to encompass not just campy Sci Fi but serious movies as well.   There needs to be at least one new movie a month.

6) SyFy needs a lot of new shows, in the 300 hours of scripted TV a year.   That's 22 to 25 scripted shows in production during the year not 11 to 16.  


Trailer - Age of Ultron from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Spoiler - Leaked Footage Avengers: Age of Ultron

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , ,



You have been Warned.

Rumor - Marvel's Olive Branch

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

DISCLAIMER - These are rumors that I cannot personally confirm however they come from individuals who have proven to be fairly reliable.   This morning a usually VERY reliable Hollywood insider posted that Marvel extended an olive branch to both 20th Century Fox and Sony / Columbia Pictures concerning the two studios Marvel Intellectual Properties controlled by these studios.   Several other sources have posted rumors too.   The problem with the additional rumors is whether or not they are just speculating on what was said int he first rumor or do they have a source following up on what is said.

There have been many posts and rumors about crossovers but this one is slightly different as it cast Marvel Studios (Marvel Entertainment) as the one presenting the Olive Branch. 

According to the rumors Kevin Feige personally meet with his counter-parts at 20th Century Fox and Sony to inform them of Marvel Studio's plans for Phase 3 in their offices prior to the Marvel Fan Event of Tuesday.   The rumor continues that he went beyond saying here is what Marvel Studios is planning but to included some of their decision points and other options.   In simple terms he included the why and how for Phase 3 not just the when and what.

The rumor continues that Kevin Feige personally extended the offer to include characters from all three of the IP's in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with potential for characters from all three IPs to appear in Captain America: Civil War and additional films in Phase 3.
In return a number of characters from Marvel's stable would be made available to both 20th Century Fox and Sony.  This includes the ability (requirement?) to use the same actor as in the MCU (TV).   Firestorm, Nova, Iron Fist, Tigra, Jessica Jones, Daredevil and many others have all appeared with Spiderman over the years in the Animated TV shows.   Hulk and Wolverine have a long history as well.

This is where the different rumors diverge ...
20th Century Fox either said "thanks but no thanks" OR asked if "this could be limited to Fantastic Four" OR took it under advisement.

Sony / Columbia Pictures at the moment seems desperate to save their Spiderman Universe, with rumors a plenty concerning what's going on.   If Avi Arad was removed from the picture I am guessing Sony would have already signed on the dotted line.   Rumors suggesting Marvel would finance the Spiderman Films, use Spiderman in meaningful ways in the MCU and offering up complementary characters and villains would be incredible for Sony / Columbia and solve multiple problems.

SPECULATION - Here is my rub on this.  
Sony / Columbia have seen the writing on the wall, a Spiderman reboot would be a killer finically for the project.   Sony costs would increase and the interest on the financing of this might get kicked up a couple of notches (Columbia is not self financing rather they take out a line of credit loan to bankroll most big budget films).  The $250 million they spent on The Amazing Spiderman II might be closer to $300 million for the next project.   The financing offered by Marvel would essential reduce the cost to Sony by $25 to $50 million.  
The only real question in this is who gets to talk to Avi Arad, who's ego is already battered and bruised, and claims he is being stepped on.   How much control does he have?
Let's be honest adding Spiderman to Captain America: Civil War would be a major victory for Sony and Fans.   It also creates the perfect man in the middle, something Black Panther will have problems doing.   This is a Win Win situation for everyone not named Avi Arad.
20th Century Fox has been successful with the X-Men universe but it is very Wolverine centric.   I don't see that changing in the near term with X-Men: Apocalypse already in the works and The Wolverine 2 in the pipeline.   The two standalone films Deadpool and Gambit are a different story.   Those are fairly big risks.
The Fantastic Four looks like it is a ticking time-bomb, but hey even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot got a sequel.  
The Wolverine earned $132 Million Domestically and $415 Million World Wide roughly half the standalone MCU films.   Would adding Mark Ruffalo to the cast of The Wolverine 2 bring in double that amount, maybe even triple?  
Kevin Feige suggested that Hulk had a very important place in MCU, Mark Ruffalo would appear in the Avengers films and have meaningful roles in additional films.  How does Hulk fit into Doctor Strange or Captain Marvel

This goes beyond Phase 3, Isaac Perlmutter CEO/President of Marvel Entertainment (Kevin Feige's Boss) has been vocal about wanting to do Secret Wars and Avengers vs. X-Men [AvX] on film.  He has threatened to use the whip on occasion to get what he wanted, is he now suggesting that carrot might work?

Speculation - Black Widow Refused to try and Lift Thor's Hammer Mjolnir

Posted by Jeff Labels:

In the Comics Captain America was indeed found worthy and able to wield Mjolnir, but he isn't the only one of the Avengers that was able to do so.
This goes beyond Donald Blake ....
 Maybe Natasha was concerned about the potential Costume Change.

Dreamworks Animation - Preparing to move release dates

Posted by Jeff

On Tuesday Marvel announced the movies that will be released in Phase 3.  
Late last night word broke that 20th Century Fox and DreamWorks Animation Studio were looking at changing release dates on at least two announced movies.
“We continue to look at our schedule here and the competitive marketplace, and we will remain flexible in the release of these movies and the dating of these films,” Jeffrey Katzenberg President of DreamWorks Animation Studios said. “You can look at our release schedule as the intent as of the moment. Every time something happens in the marketplace we’re going to respond to that in the most offensive way that we can to protect the performance of those films.”
The movies in question are Trolls which is currently scheduled to be released on November 4th 2016 in direct competition with Marvel's Doctor Strange and B.O.O.: Bureau of Otherworldly Operations slated to open June 5th 2015.
What's interesting with the second movie on that list is it not in direct competition with Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron  or Ant-Man, rather it is halfway in-between the two release dates. 

Speculation - Fantastic Four

Posted by Jeff Labels:

Between July 1st and August 31st 2013 there are approximately 500 entries into the blogosphere with news reports and tid bits about 20th Century Fox's release of X-Men: Days of Future Past.  

In the same time frame for the Fantastic Four there are 60.   It gets worse if we correct for fact Fantastic Four opens in August as opposed to May that reduces the number to 45.     To make matters worse most of those 100 or so stories involve Marvel Publishing decision to end the publication of the Fantastic Four Comic book.   

Leaked Photo of the Thing
In terms of images released by 20th Century Fox there were approximately 100 images released more than 8 months before X-Men: Days of Future Past debuted, for Fantastic Four we have ummm well none officially.   There is one leaked photo for the Fantastic Four reboot.

There is no movie poster no leaked footage, no interviews on the set. 

What gives?

Most of the rumors do not paint a pleasant picture for the Fantastic Four reboot.    On several occasions we have heard rumors that Jim Gianopulos, President of 20th Century Fox, has summoned the film makers to Los Angeles to discuss the state of the film.   More than one rumor has surfaced that executives at 20th Century Fox had to be talked out of axing the project or firing large numbers of people directly involved in the production.  

Lets start by discussing Jim Gianopulos predecessor as President of 20th Century Fox, Tom Rothmann.   Tom Rothmann hated superhero movies, okay hated may not be the correct word loathed feared they take over that may be a better concept.   Tom Rothmann tore up a script by a young screen writer by the name of Josh Whedon for the first draft of what becomes the 2000 release X-Men.   In finally approving X-Men he required that there were no silly suits and no pop culture references and ....
With the Success of X-Men 20th Century Fox moved ahead on Daredevil, Elektra, and the Fantastic Four.   Needless to say Rothmann and his management team almost destroyed the Superhero Genre at 20th Century Fox.
The 2005 and 2007 releases of the Fantastic Four were supposed to be campy family friendly superhero films.  That was Rothmann's mandate.   
Daredevil and Elektra were financial disasters and after talks with Marvel the properties were returned to Marvel Entertainment rather than rebooting them.

In 2009 20th Century Fox announced it was rebooting Fantastic Four into a more grounded and realistic Super Hero.  (Realistic Super Hero - Oxymoron?)    That's not to say that 20th Century Fox was completely sold on the idea as many discussions with Marvel Entertainment, specifically Isaac Perlmutter, who I understand is a truly nice guy to work for,  about selling the IP back.   After the final meeting in 2013 when 20th Century Fox decide to move ahead with the Fantastic Four reboot Isaac Perlmutter had every poster, picture, and image of the Fantastic Four removed from the walls of Marvel's Headquarters, and it went down hill from there.

Since 2012 Jim Gianopulus has been the sole chairmen and President of 20th Century and he had final say in the project and is the individual Perlmutter blames for the Fantastic Four fiasco.

Why is the Fantastic Four a fiasco in the eyes of Perlmutter.   Three words "The Amazing Spiderman".   Sony Pictures epic failure with the beloved Spiderman including putting a "newb" behind the Camera a decision to retell the entire origin story, attempting to redefine the voice of the film in a radical way...   Now 20th Century Fox was doing the exact same thing the Fantastic Four a series that made 1/3 what Spiderman did.
Why does Marvel Care, its not like they would make a Fantastic Four movie at the moment?
That's not entirely true, Marvel Studios has a problem, with all the Mutants and Fantastic Four IP's controlled by 20th Century Fox and Spiderman's IP controlled by Sony they own the IP for the Avengers, which only has a small handful of A-List badguys and a slightly more B-Listers.    In the comic books the Avengers lock horns with Doctor Doom, Galacticus, Kang the Destroyer and many other villains from the Fantastic Four IP.   Same goes for Spiderman, but not so much for the X-Men.
In Phase 4 Marvel is looking at doing a Secret Wars themed series, kind of hard without bad-guys.  

The next problem for Fantastic Four Reboot is the radical changes in the storyline.
1) Our group of middle aged super heroes has turned into a pack of early twenty somethings
2) The movie is now about coming of age
3) The powers will not be caused by an accident in space.
4) Reed Richards will not be the dumbest smart guy on the planet.
5) Doctor Doom now resembles a human version of Ultron.

I can hear the question now, didn't you forget something huge...
I could hardly care that Michael B. Jordan is African-American, I am beyond that, however the fact he is 15 years to young to play the part is a whole other can of worms.

The argument, at least the rumors and tidbits we get to hear as bloggers, between 20th Century Fox and Marvel centers on who does 20th Century Fox think is going to show up in the theater to see the film.    There is suggestion that 60% of the Audience will be male and up to 75% of the Audience will be 16 to 25 years old.   The last superhero film that followed that pattern ... Green Lantern, tell me how that worked out.
In all fairness I should point out that Man of Steel had those demographics in the audience but that wasn't who they were marketing too, rather WB's marketing to woo woman in the 18 to 49 bracket failed.

It's been suggested that Marvel expects Fantastic Four to earn about 150% of its budget in terms of movie ticket sales, which means it will break even.   A shame to waste such an great piece of the Marvel Universe on such a secondary island.

What we learned from Marvel's Fan Event

Posted by Jeff Labels:

Chadwick Boseman
1) Ant-Man is the final film of Phase 2. 
This is different than originally announced where the Avengers Films would be the end of the Phases.   In this case Ant-Man will take place at roughly the same time as Avengers: Age of Ultron and the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron will not affect the Ant-Man story line.

2) Chadwick Boseman will star as T'Challa the Black Panther.
He will appear in Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016), The Black Panther stand alone film (Nov 3, 2017) and at least one of the two Avengers: Infinity War (May 2018 and May 2019).

Carol Danvers - Captain Marvel
Chadwick Boseman contract is for 5 films over the course of phase 3 and phase 4.

3) Kevin Feige dream of Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel) and the Inhumans
films are both on the docket for Phase 3.
To me this is the biggest surprise and in a way has to do with the success of Guardians of the Galaxy.  Its not surprising they wanted to both films it is surprising they are doing both films.  
It also pushes some potential films (Iron Man 4) off the docket until at least Phase 4.

4) The third Avengers film is indeed a two part deal.  I have heard this rumor for months and many fans weren't buying it.   Back in October  I finally got off the fence and decided it made the most sense.
Many of these same rumors are suggesting that there will be two distinct Avengers teams involved in these films.   Nothing presented is going to slow down this kind of speculation, rather the reverse may be true when Kevin Feige stated.
"It’s like as it was in publishing, when each of the characters would go on their own adventures and then occasionally team up for a big, 12-issue mega-event. Then they would go back into their own comics, and be changed from whatever that event was. I envision the same thing occurring after this movie, because the [Avengers] roster is altered by the finale of this film."
The current rumor is that Captain America (Chris Evans) will be assembling a different team of Avengers at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron.  

The Hulk and Black Widow share a moment
5) Hulk and Black Widow are not currently slated to get their own films.
Here is my take and I know more than a few fans will be upset at this: Both characters are perfect supporting characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.   These two characters do not necessarily lead themselves into leading roles in the cinematic universe.   With Hulk, the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie was as good as it can be for him as the leading role and it didn't work.
Both Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johannson) will be in Avengers: Infinity War and additional films during Phase 3 and will have very important roles.

6) Guardians of the Galaxy II is moving into the slot for 2017, May 5th.
There can be little question about the success of the first film having passed Captain America: Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past in the box office both domestically and world-wide.

7) Marvel Studios and Marvel Entertainment clearly thumbed their noses at their collective competitors.  They dropped Doctor Strange one week before Sinister Six (Sony/Columbia), Thor: Ragnarok two weeks after Fantastic Four II (20th Century Fox), Black Panther two weeks before Justice League Part I (Warner Brothers/DC) and Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 one week before The Amazing Spiderman III (Sony/Columbia) soft date.
Marvel's competitors have all previously announced their films in comparison to Marvel just announcing a series of dates, this is like poker you don't mess with the player with the big stack.   I am guessing more than one of these competitor movies are going to change dates.    

8) Kevin Feige didn't specifically rule out crossovers with Spiderman (and Mutants).  When asked
specifically about the Spiderman/Sony rumors he responded "Anything that wasn't specifically and obviously revealed today is either not true at all, or still rumor until it's worked out."
Marvel, specifically Kevin had ample opportunity to slam the door closed on Sony, but didn't.  To me this is suggesting that Marvel has placed the ball in Sony's court so to speak.

I should point out that Kevin was asked about Benedict Cumberbatch and he responded "If he was signed to the contract we would have had him here today as well."

It's important to realize that Marvel Studios and Marvel Entertainment is currently in a position of strength in comparison to their competitors.   The Sam Raimi trilogy of Spiderman movies and Nolan's Batman Trilogy were extremely successful, the X-Men films have had moderate success, other comic based movies have been only marginally successful if they were lucky.  In comparison to the success that marvel Studios has had the current slate of competitor films are like pouring a gallon of water into a Olympic sized swimming pool and wondering how much did it increase the water level.   
The problems of the Amazing Spiderman Trilogy has placed enormous pressure on Sony for finding  success with the Sinister Six, as it is the only way to make a Spiderman centric Universe work.   Sony knows it cannot compete directly with MCU so its going to have to movie further weakening Sony's position with Marvel.

Avengers: Age of Ultron - Sneak Peak

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

This scene sneak peak aired on last night's Marvel's Agents of Shield

Marvel's Agent Carter

Posted by Jeff Labels:

Green Lantern - Honest Trailers

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

I missed this one, it's better than the Movie, unfortunately.

Doctor Strange vs. Sinister Six

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

With Marvel Announcing their slate of Phase 3 Films today something caught my eye:

Doctor Strange - November 4, 2016
Sinister Six - November 11, 2016

It's clear that one of these films cannot stay where it is currently scheduled, guessing Sinister Six is moving or worse it is canceled.

Announcement - Captain America: Civil War

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

The official title of the third installment of Captain America today: Captain America: Civil War.   Rumor has had this movie known as Fallen Son

Speculation vs. Announcment

Posted by Jeff Labels:

My Speculation

  • 2015 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • 2015 - Ant-Man - Introduction
  • 2016 - Captain America: Fallen Son - Speculative Secret Avengers (Mockingbird)
  • 2016 - Doctor Strange - Introduction - Infinity Gauntlet Story Arc.
  • 2017 - Speculative - Black Panther - Introduction - Civil War Story Arc
  • 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy II - Infinity Gauntlet Story Arc - Nova
  • 2017 - Strongly Rumored - Thor: Ragnarok
  • 2018 - Speculative - Inhumans/Ms. Marvel
  • 2018 - Speculative - Iron Man 4
  • 2018 - Avengers 3 - Part 1 (Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy)
  • 2019 - Avengers 3 - Part 2 (Ant-Man, Wasp, Quicksilver, Spiderman, Scarlett Witch, Falcon)
  • 2015 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • 2015 - Ant-Man - Introduction
  • 2016 - Captain America: Civil War
  • 2016 - Doctor Strange
  • 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy II
  • 2017 - Thor: Ragnarok
  • 2017 - Black Panther
  • 2018 - Avengers: Infinity War - Part 1
  • 2018 - Captain Marvel
  • 2018 - Inhumans
  • 2019 - Avengers: Infinity War - Part 2

I had a real hard time with how the movies lined up in my outline, I ended up with too many movies of the same type in a row Marvel solved this by moving the date of Guardians of the Galaxy II which as much as I wanted to do this I didn't.
I am shocked they split Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel) from Inhumans, they must have big plans or it is Kevin Feige favorite Comicbook... or both...

Announcement - Black Panther Cast

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Having played iconic characters James Brown (Get on Up) and Jackie Robinson (42) Chadwick Boseman is The Black Panther.

Announcement - Marvel's Phase 3 Lineup

Posted by Jeff Labels:

Speculation - Does Age of Ultron Trailer and the Latest News change current Speculation?

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , , , , ,

It's a question that hasn't really been dissected since the trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron dropped unexpectedly late last week.

The simple answer is nothing in the trailer gives us any indication that we may need to change our current speculation on what comes next.

A couple of house cleaning tasks:

Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios has confirmed that Thor 3 (assumed to be Thor: Ragnarok) will be a part of Phase 3 films.   I cannot confirm this myself but it does create a series of issues.
Chris Hemsworth, Thor himself has suggest that Thor 3 will be November 2017 in a couple of recent interviews.
A nice quote from Kevin Feige in an interview with Buzzfeed
The Avengers films, ideally, in the grand plan are always big, giant linchpins. It’s like as it was in publishing, when each of the characters would go on their own adventures and then occasionally team up for a big, 12-issue mega-event. Then they would go back into their own comics, and be changed from whatever that event was. I envision the same thing occurring after this movie, because the [Avengers] roster is altered by the finale of this film.
Sony Pictures apparently is going to see where Sinister Six goes before making a deal with Marvel Studios.   I say apparently because I cannot confirm this other than multiple bloggers saying its the case because of Anonymous information.

James Gunn announced the main cast of Guardians of the Galaxy "all will die horrible in the first 10 minutes of the sequel" he then laughed and added "less humans more women"  and "two maybe more members of the crew".   Speculation on Adam Warlock and trio of female characters including Martyr, Angela and Mantis Moondragon.

Yesterday it was announced that Benedict Cumberbatch has signed on to play Doctor Strange.

Lets review our Movie Release Dates and updated speculation on where movies fit:

I have long speculated that the problem with Marvel's schedule is that its one movie short.   The more I looked at the schedule and realized all the dates announced were for Phase 2, meaning that if Avengers 3 is a two parter it would be released November 2nd 2018 and May 3rd 2019, suddenly I had my missing movie slot.
  • 2015 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • 2015 - Ant-Man - Introduction
  • 2016 - Captain America: Fallen Son - Speculative Secret Avengers (Mockingbird)
  • 2016 - Doctor Strange - Introduction - Infinity Gauntlet Story Arc.
  • 2017 - Speculative - Black Panther - Introduction - Civil War Story Arc
  • 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy II - Infinity Gauntlet Story Arc - Nova
  • 2017 - Strongly Rumored - Thor: Ragnarok
  • 2018 - Speculative - Inhumans/Ms. Marvel
  • 2018 - Speculative - Iron Man 4
  • 2018 - Avengers 3 - Part 1 (Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy)
  • 2019 - Avengers 3 - Part 2 (Ant-Man, Wasp, Quicksilver, Spiderman, Scarlett Witch, Falcon)
I am continuing with the assumption that Avengers 3 will be a multipart story and both parts will have different set of primary heroes.

SPOILER - Highlight to read.   The second of two post credit scenes features Thor and Loki preparing for War.  

After Avengers: Age of Ultron we have Ant-Man.   A movie many people have already suggested will be a flop even though it is expected to bring in $500 Million world-wide.   What's interesting to me is how little we know about the plot in this film.   And more so how does it connect to the MCU at large. 

Following Ant-Man comes Captain America: Fallen Son, the much bandied about crossover staring Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr.   The over arching story arch is expected to be Marvel's Civil War, but the plot of the movie has been suggested is based upon the Secret Avengers story arc.   Captain America assemblies a team of former Shield Agents to work behind the scenes against Hydra and other nefarious organizations.   Captain America, Mockingbird, Hawkeye, and Falcon team up.  Tony Stark feeling that heal he unleashed as Ultron he now has to play good cop tries to stop the Secret Avengers.   In the final scene Crossbones appears to kill Captain America on the steps of New York City Hall.

Benedict Cumberlatch makes his debut in the Doctor Strange Origin story as a gifted neurosurgeon with a very bad attitude who after an accident destroys the use of his hands Doctor Steven Strange learns the way of the mystics and fighting to combat evil of a different nature.    There are some challenges to this date.   Just like we have little information on how Ant-Man connects to the MCU at large, Doctor Strange

We have a May 5, 2017 date to be filled.   There has been much speculation that Adam McKay, the director and writer will be given a Marvel project after stepping up and working with the Ant-Man script.   We have had images that of Andy Serkis looking very much like Ulysses Klaw, the arch enemy of the Black Panther.   Its hard not to draw the conclusion that May 5th date will be filled by Black Panther.  
Other possibilities - Hulk 3.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is already slated for July 28, 2017.   James Gunn has promised less Humans and more Women is primary rolls.   I have speculated another Infinity Stone is involved here and still believe that to be the case.   Thanos is the ultimate bad guy here (as opposed to earth) and it makes sense.   In addition adding Characters to the Universe is a good thing.    However I have long speculated that Nova, aka Bucket Head, would make his debut in this film, but as he is too Human and too Male you gotta wonder on that one.

The next unfilled date is November 3, 2017 date.   Chris Hemsworth yesterday replied "won’t be Thor 3 — that will be the following year.” when asked about his upcoming films he will be working on.   Clearly indicates that the movie is near and the choices are May 5th and November 3rd in 2017 (as filming would take place in 2016.   Don't be shocked if Doctor Strange is seen gallivanting amongst the nine realms as he appears in the Ragnarok comic book story line.
Other Possibilities: Black Panther, Hulk 3

We than have May 4th, 2018.  The date many people have long suggested as release date for Avengers 3, but I have a hunch that this won't be the date.   Marvel has proven you release a good product and people will come whenever it is released suggest that Avengers 3 moves to November.   Instead I am still speculating that Kevin Feige dream to make an Inhumans/Ms Marvel film comes to life on this date.   If Avengers 3 is the end of the Infinity Gauntlet story line than they have to find the last stone, that's one more movie.   If the stone is not hidden on earth another space based movie has to happen.   Fits to nicely together.
Other possibilities; Iron Man 4

July 6th 2018 becomes the release day of Iron Man 4 the end of which sends are beloved Tony Stark/Iron Man on exile away from earth as the end of the Civil War Story Line.
Other possibilities: Inhumans/Ms. Marvel

Avenger 3 part 1, The Infinity Gauntlet sees Thanos collecting the stones challenged by Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel and Potentially Doctor Strange.  
Avengers 3, part 2, The Infinity War sees Thanos bringing the Gauntlet to Earth and what ever hero can be assembled.

What have I not covered so far is how Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. connects into this, nor how Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and the Defenders links in.   They all do.

The interesting loss in this discussion is a Third Hulk Movie, Lou Ferrigno and Mark Ruffallo have already basic stated it is coming just a matter of timing.   If you had to schedule a movie for right after the end of Avengers 3, why not Planet Hulk.   It makes sense to me so this is why I am leaving Hulk 3 out of Phase 3.

Speculation - Benedict Cumberbatch and Doctor Strange

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , , ,

Funny how an assembly of rumors can change at a moments notice in dealing with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I spent yesterday and this morning following up on a rumor that it had come down to Keanu Reeves and Benedict Cumberbatch for part of Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange.   

The rumor mill suggested that if Keanu Reeves could make John Wick into a financial success he would get the nod from the usual tight fisted Marvel Entertainment.   John Wick opened to somewhat disappointing number of the last weekend ($14.5 Million) and it appears that ended any hope that Keanu Reeves might of had.

Early indications that deal is structured a little differently than the deals that Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johannson and other stars have signed with Marvel and its going to cost Marvel more than they wanted to spend, not Robert Downey Jr type money but a good chunk of change.   Suggestion that the original deal is for four movies (two stand alone and two ensemble) with options for two additional films.

The date that was unofficial announced last spring is July 8, 2016.  

The character Doctor Strange is anticipated to have a leading role in Avengers: Part 3 film.  Second part depending on how it is structured.

Marvel Making Anouncements during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Marvel Studios has posted in LA for fans to watch for a special event in L.A. area on Tuesday during the airing of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.   Members of the press have already been invited to the event.

The invitation to the press suggests that Marvel will be making at least one if not more than one announcement during the event.   It simply could be to officially announce the Robert Downey Jr. is joining the cast of Captain America: Fallen Son or announcing they have selected an actor to play Doctor Strange or even the entirety of phase three movie line up.  

New Avengers: Age of Ultron footage to premiere during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

The original plan was for Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to have the exclusive premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser trailer during this weeks episode.   Hydra ruined the plans of Mouse and Men leaking the trailer, incredibly poor quality trailer I might add, so Marvel realizing to get ahead of the leak released the official trailer.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. just cannot seem to catch a break.

The official trailer had 35 million views in the first 24 hours and nearly 50 million views in 48 hours.   Shattering every record about teaser trailer views online.

Marvel announced last night new footage will be aired during Tuesday evening's episode of  Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in place of the teaser trailer.
Rumor suggest that Marvel Studios was prepared for such a contingency already.   

Easter Egg in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

Not that I time to study every shot ...   But isn't that a Blue Police Box?

Age of Ultron Trailer - Who are they. - Updated!

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

While several scenes caught my attention.

In the Scene where presumably Ultron walks into the Avengers Party there is a image of the party guests that flashes across the screen.

Trimmed to show detail.

Who is standing by Thor.   The actress is believed to by Claudia Kim, the Korean Actress who has a part in the film.  

UPDATE:  A potential source in the industry the character played by Claudia Kim is the Division Chief of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Artificial Intelligence division - Agent Monica Chang

While people are dissecting that image its the other unknown women in the film that had me curious.   Peggy Atwell, Cobie Smulders, Adrianne Palicki, I am not sure.    What we do know is she is tall, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth are roughly 6'4" range ...

According to John who was in attendance at the Marvel panel during San Diego Comic Con the individual on the right is most likely Cobie Smulders character Maria Hill.  
He gave it like five 9's of percentage being correct.  

Adam McKay to direct futire Marvel Title.

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

Back when Edgar Wright backed out of directing Ant-Man there was lots of speculation that Adam McKay was the man for the job.   Officially after speaking with Marvel he declined due to the films he has already scheduled to work on.

Adam did however step in to help with the script and provide work on the script, which involved multiple weeks locked in hotel rooms with Ant-Man lead Paul Rudd. 

How impressed was Marvel with Adam McKay.   Rumor has it that Marvel has offered a future film to Adam McKay.

Black Panther Anyone?

More Speculation - Black Panther in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , , ,

Earlier this week I posted more rumors about the Black Panther appearing in Avengers: Age of Ultron.   Well the release of the first teaser trailer is not going to slow down those rumors, actually it might even accelerate them.

Allow me to introduce you to Ulysses Klaw, played by Andy Serkis.    Ulysses Kaw (AKA KLAW) is the arch enemy of the Black Panther.  

Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer

Posted by Jeff Labels: , ,

This morning Hydra (1) leaked a poor quality copy of the teaser trailer, so Marvel followed up with the release of the official teaser trailer.

(1) Marvel Studios did indeed blame Hydra this morning for the leaked trailer.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - 5 episodes into season 2

Posted by Jeff Labels:

I debated on whether or not to review Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or not during the season, and due to the course of the story telling I decided to not individually review each episode.  Rather I would chime in and occasionally say something witty (it does happen once a decade or so you know).
My biggest complaint about MAoS, as with every other Josh Whedon TV show, is the story telling is too slow and then 15 episodes in the show hits breakneck speed as it tries to catch up.   Its like following a car driving 45 MPH on the interstate and once you see you destination the car speeds up from 45  to 75 MPH, it may be legal but damn does it feel slow.
Season 2 of MAoS follow that similar pattern.   The first four episodes were expanded to give us five episodes of the show on TV.  Its hard to keep excited about a show, no matter how witty, how well written, if you feel 5 to 10 minutes of every episode is simple filler.
Over the past two weeks [episodes 2.4 and 2.5] the storyline had Agents Fitz [Elizabeth Henstridge] as a mole working at Hydra facility.   I really have no problem with this storyline taking place over two episodes, as a matter of fact I could of handled it being spread out over more episodes.  In the way the storyline was constructed it however felt too long.    There was too much telling the audience with dialogue rather than showing us with scenes; if that made sense.      If you take the first half Fitz as a mole in the episode 2.4 and spread that out through 2.2 and 2.3 you get a better story telling from TV Show perspective.
I should acknowledge why it done this way, syndication, you want each episode individually maintained you don't want people to have to watch six episodes so they can understand episode seven.   I maintain however that in this case it works much much better.
Director Phillip Coulson
My next problem with the first 5 episodes in season 2 is Marvel Studios definitely underusing almost everyone on the show, everyone except Coulson.   I am not sure why Season 2 is so Coulson centered but it is starting to get annoying.   Hey I think Clark Gregg is an good actor and Phil Coulson is great character, but we as an audience are getting way too much of one character.
From the outside perspective it is easy to understand why we are getting less of many characters, Simmons, Fitz, May and even to some extent Skye, but it makes for boring TV.    We are supposed to appreciate/understand Simmons sacrifice and he sleeps into the background like a character who is one day going to miraculously recover and return to his place on the show, doesn't work like that.   Having Fitz as a figment of Simmons imagination for the first three episodes.  May arguing about what steps need to happen if Coulson start acting like Garret.  The show is not about a team of Agents at the moment.  
Agent Isabelle Hartly
Its not just the regular cast, but guest stars like Lucy Lawless, Agent Isabelle "Izzy" Hartly,  was wasted in her one episode visit to the show.   The problem with killing off Izzy in one episode is we as an audience never appreciated her role in the show and understand the sacrifice she made.  
Killing off Victoria Hand last season still bothers me.

The next problem is a nitpicky one, but even my 10 year old son gripes about it, you have 50 great CGI shots in a single show, but you always end up with that one bad one that breaks the immersion of the audience.   In episode 2.5 it was he Quinnjet flying away after rescuing Mockingbird and Fitz, the Shot didn't work, it lasted 5 seconds, why include it? 

Even though I feel the show is moving along to slowly the show has some solid writing and story arcs moving along.   I don't feel like the audience is going to say that was some extremely hokie dialogue or you don't believe the characters would do something they did.   

Even though I griped in the last section there is one bad CGI scene in every episode the other 49 or so CGI scenes look good.   I understand that Marvel Studios is spending 1.5 Million dollars an episode on CGI and it shows for the most part.   That's the kind of budget a show like The Flash or Arrow only wishes they have for 5 episodes yet alone a single episode.   Most of the CGI looks really good and as an audience you have little to now problem accepting it as "real". 
Mockingbird in Tactical Suit
One of my complaints during the first season was you have a superhero show without superheroes and just as much without super-villains.    Yes Michael Petersen becomes Deathlok, and we have seen Blizzard before he is Blizzard and ...  But the problem remains this show takes place in a world filed with half the superheroes in the Marvel Universe and maybe a quarter of the super-villains we ended up with multiple shows that had neither; 0-8-4 anyone?
I had hope that Agent May, aka the Cavalry, would become more of a superhero during season 1, but alas my hopes were umm, disappointed to say the least.
I am hopeful that Season 2 Episode 5 changed all that with the introduction of Agent Bobbi Morse, aka Mockingbird(1). Bobbi Morse is Espionage Expert as opposed to Assassin that Natasha Romanoff [AKA Black Widow] is.  In the Comic Book storyline she marries Clint Barton [Hawkeye].  What's interesting to me is Mockingbird is mainstream Marvel Character being introduced on MAoS.   The producer of the show has indicated she will be sticking around a while.
In addition in next week's episode we are potentially introduced to three mainstream or near mainstream characters from the Marvel Universe, in She-Hulk, the original Whiplash, and Gorgon.  
The further inclusion of these characters is a good thing.
A number of bloggers have suggested the show will be morphing over the next 5 to 7 episodes to be more of a Superhero/Villain oriented show.  With Coulson struggling to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. as director with Agent May as his second in command.   The story will be less about one team and more about multiple teams.  I am not sure that those changes work, however file it under we shall see.
IMHO the show is currently "okay" but could be a lot better, and the potential is there to make the changes to do just that.   The question is how attached the show producers are to its current format, I guess time will tell.

What about the poor ratings?

First the current rating metrics are no longer valid, Nielsen Overnight ratings mean nothing to scripted shows.   Nielsen +7 ratings, the number of people who watched the show in the first 7 days since it release is all that matters.    As an example 5.98 Million viewers watched the Season 2 premiere, another 4.96 Million unique viewers turned into TiVO, ABC on Demand, or other similar system to catch the show.     If the metrics hold up between 9 and 10 million viewers a week will tune in to the show at some point.   ABC is not going to complain about those metrics.
MAoS is the most syndicated show internationally on TV at the moment, airing in 106 countries almost 25% more then the number two show.     The first season had tremendous sales of the first season on BluRay/DVD.   The show earned so much money; upwards of 40% percent of the total revenue generated by ABC TV Studios, that it was mentioned in last quarters Disney Quarterly report of potential generating 1.3 Billion [That's B as Billion Baby] dollars of revenue.   To put that in perspective, MAoS cost about the same to produce as Captain America: The Winter Soldier, factoring in Blu-Ray/DVD sales they earned roughly the same amount of money. 
The only concern ABC has is that the show is not generating enough revenue for the non-ABC owned ABC stations.  Like Hubbard Broadcasting in the Twin Cities. 
(1) In all fairness Mockingbird was long considered for the first Marvel Cinematic Universe live action TV Show.   Their are rumors of the pilot and script on several web-sites.   The show was to be based in New Orleans following a College Aged Version of Mockingbird and the show was to be Teen Friendly on ABC Family.  

Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Next Tuesday, October 28, during Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the first trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron will be premiered.

Is the Black Panther in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Rumors continue to swirl, like this one, that the Black Panther will make his Marvel Cinematic in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Many of the rumors indicate that filming in South Africa allowed Marvel Studios to quietly add the Black Panther to a few scenes.