Dreamworks Animation - Preparing to move release dates

Posted by Jeff

On Tuesday Marvel announced the movies that will be released in Phase 3.  
Late last night word broke that 20th Century Fox and DreamWorks Animation Studio were looking at changing release dates on at least two announced movies.
“We continue to look at our schedule here and the competitive marketplace, and we will remain flexible in the release of these movies and the dating of these films,” Jeffrey Katzenberg President of DreamWorks Animation Studios said. “You can look at our release schedule as the intent as of the moment. Every time something happens in the marketplace we’re going to respond to that in the most offensive way that we can to protect the performance of those films.”
The movies in question are Trolls which is currently scheduled to be released on November 4th 2016 in direct competition with Marvel's Doctor Strange and B.O.O.: Bureau of Otherworldly Operations slated to open June 5th 2015.
What's interesting with the second movie on that list is it not in direct competition with Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron  or Ant-Man, rather it is halfway in-between the two release dates. 


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