X-Force - Moving Forward

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , , , , ,

Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg are making the rounds promoting X-Men; Apocalypse which is being released next week, took some time to answer some questions about other films in the X-Men universe.

When asked about the possibility of X-23 replacing Wolverine in future films by Fandango Bryan Singer responded.

"I have discussed that  with the studio, I actually initially pitched the X-Force and the female."
He later added.

"Anytime you throw all these characters together to hit a start date, it can make a lot of money, but it can also be a cluster$%#^. To me, it has to be done with a lot of care. These things can get overwhelming, and if a character doesn’t belong in a movie, don’t use him. If the tone can still maintain itself, I’m all for it. What I’m not for is throwing a bunch of characters together and hoping it works.” 

In another interview Simon Kinberg added:

When there are films that want to be raunchier, want to be darker, want to be violent or R-rated, [20th Century Fox will] be open to it. 
And not every movie should be. I don't think that the main X-Men movies should be R-rated; I don't think they're R-rated stories. But if we were to make an X-Force movie, that probably should be R-rated. And what we're doing with the Wolverine movie... that wasn't impacted by Deadpool. We'd made the decision for Wolverine to be R-rated before Deadpool came out. But I think there's even more confidence about having made that decision now that you see that an R-rated Deadpool movie can do better than any X-Men movie's ever done.”
Other sites are adding that an X-Force script has been ordered.
Jeff Wadlow, most known for directing Kick Ass 2 has long been rumored as director and writer of the film.    Stephen Lang for the longest time was rumored as Cable. 


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