Plot Changes to Ant-Man
Posted by Labels: Ant-Man, Ant-Man (film), Doctor Strange, Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, WaspOur friends at Stitch Kingdom recently got their hands on a updated plot synopses for Ant-Man.
The information provided by Stitch Kingdom begins to fill in the gap over the departure of Edgar Wright from the project.
There is a relatively minor change in Scott Lang (who is being portrayed by Paul Rudd) has been transformed from a Con-Man to Master Thief. TomaTO TomatOH
The second change is a change in the back story and potentially an explanation on Hayley Atwell's character Peggy Carter being included in the film. Hank Pym (portrayed by Michael Douglas) is now listed as a founding member of Avengers, in the comic book universe he is as well as his wife Janet Van Dyne. Potentially we have a few older members of the Marvel Universe (cough cough Doctor Strange cough cough) that are being setup as the original Avengers that predate the current slate of MCU Avengers [which I will call Pre-Avengers]. The story in Ant-Man will be told as either flashbacks or introduction of the film.
A rumor that is currently making the rounds is that Janet Van Dyne, the original Wasp, was killed in action during the first class of Pre-Avengers in action, her death caused Hank Pym to stop using his powers.
If that is true the original Pre-Avengers include Doctor Strange, Hank Pym's Ant Man, Janet Van Dyne (Wasp), Peggy Carter and Howard Stark.
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