Now that we all know I am skipping the in depth review to discuss my opinion on the show.
I am a fan of the TV Show Lost Girl which air on SyFy (wow I had to go back and change SciFi to SyFy). One of the most important episodes of the first season was titled Fae Dae which is episode 9, by the way. Fae Dae is hardly a fan favorite, rather the opposite as its one of the lowest rated episodes by fans on a variety of social media sites. As a fan its one of the episodes you only watch once and skip later in life when watching the show. Every Sci-Fi/Fantasy show has one like this, and in some cases every season. What Fae Dae did for Lost Girl was it explained to the audience much of the backstory and rules for the show to the audience. It is an important episode because from now on they shows writers don't have to explain every thing to the audience.
With The Things We Bury a large amount of backstory and rules the writers are following for at least this season, so it is important in that regard. The rest of what is going on is not so important. It's not an episode I suspect people will plop into the Blu-Ray player anytime after its released and skipped by many people as they watch the second season. Just watching it once gives the audience the information they need to follow along.
Unlike many episodes (of any Whedon show) there was too much going on and a lot of characters failed to get the necessary screen time to move their individual story lines forward. In this case was Melinda May's really necessary, how about Mac? It isn't that I don't like their characters but was the couple of lines they had really more helpful then say expanding some of the other story arcs going on?
Speaking of Mac, this wondering whether Coulson is okay routine has to stop. Its getting long and its only started last episode.
I dislike how Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. show runners kill off too many characters that could be very useful down the road. Last year they killed off Victoria Hand, this year its Christian Ward. Don't get me wrong I realize these aren't leading characters but rather supporting characters that could really be VERY useful later on. Could you just imagine for example a second S.H.E.I.L.D. like organization fighting for what goes on with a different agenda, you know called H.A.M.M.E.R. I feel the same way about Christian Ward, he was a character that could provide a lot of conflict for the show moving forward.
Has Kyle MacLachlan really been impressive in his supporting role or what. For a actor in a supporting guest role Kyle has been fantastic, charming and spooky and what other adjective you want to use. To use a sports metaphor he sure has earned more playing time.
Unless we are on the biggest red herring hunt of all time, the Kree and Inhumans story line is still humming along a Warp Speed and nothing has been put in place to dissuade us of that fact.
Here is the promo for the next episode.
A couple of thoughts
I think it would be awesome to have the Guardians of the Galaxy team in the Fall Series finale. I mean if you are introducing Inhumans in MAOS what a way to do it. Chris Pratt agrees by the way.
It is my understand that Star Wars: The Force Awakens first teaser trailer will air during the Fall Series Finale.
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