Back in the mid 90's I was convinced to create a blog discussing Sci-Fi / Fantasy Movies, talking about how I would review those movies and what I was looking for. I kept that particular blog current, or at least somewhat current, for over a decade. I found out in March 2014, that my blog provider was shutting down for various reasons, leading me to work to start a new blog. I probably will be moving relevant material over sporadically, especially when I quote it. So don't be shocked to see material from as much as 15 years before the launch of this edition of a geeks view. It, unfortunately, is a lot of work and not just a simple cut past to move the stuff over.
Frank Grillo, who played Brock Rumlow in Captain America has confirmed he has signed a multi-film deal to reprise his role in future Marvel Films.
Brock Rumlow is Crossbones in the Marvel Comic Book Universe, a mercenary for hire who is best known for, apparently, shooting and killing Steve Rogers to end the Marvel Civil War.
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