Rumor - Spiderman Rumor number 84

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , , ,

It seems like every day we have heard another rumor on how Sony and Columbia Pictures is going to rebuild the Spiderman Franchise.   Today is no exception.

Meet the Jackal, Miles Warren a biology professor at Empire State University with a serve interest in cloning.   Seems that the mild mannered biology professor had a crush on his former student Gwen Stacy, and before she left for England he saved a lock of her hair and will attempt to clone her.

It seems that after the lead balloon of the Black Cat and Glass Ceiling that Sony is thinking about an even crazier concept, bring back Emma Stone as a clone of Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spiderman 3.

No I can't make this stuff up.   Emma Stone is not under contract for a third film and would need to be signed to a new contract and probably a raise over what she was paid in TASM2.  

In addition Emma Stone is engaged to Andrew Garfield, you know the guy who played Peter Parker/Spiderman in TASM and TASM2, the same Andrew Garfield that rumor has suggested is being replaced in Sinister Six.  

With all the other problems in the Spiderman universe that seems like another non-starter to fix.

Speaking of the Amazing Spiderman 3, its director Marc Webb will be directing a independent film starring Miles Teller (Mr. Fantastic - The Fantastic Four) titled The Only Living Boy in New York.  I wonder if they will commiserate together over the less than stellar outings of their individual high buck Super-Hero Franchises.


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