Wolverine - Forever?

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , ,

Yesterday I mentioned that Hugh Jackman is changing his stance on hanging up his claws.
I wondered if there was more to the story, or more accurately I wondered what 20th Century Fox / Donner and company were offering Hugh Jackman to continue in the role?
Cats out of the Bag, at least sort of if you care to read between the lines.
Patrick Stewart (Professor Xavier)  and Ellen Page (Shadow Cat) acknowledged that the original trilogy cast is getting another movie.   It has been rumored for a while and even suggested but their interview with hitflix is pretty confirming that its in the works.   20th Century Fox had already announced a date of July 13, 2008 with no additional details, and I wondered what was the plan for that date here.  While I like the idea of a X-Factor film, you have to guess the original cast film is probably the most likely scenario right now.
With casting for movies like X-Men: Days of Future Past there is usually one studio option on the cast and sometimes two, so even less surprising that the original cast came back.
James Marsden is on keen in returning to the X-Men universe.  So it appears you have the old gang back together again, except Wolverine was hanging up his claws, you kind of need him back.
So what gives, yesterday I read an article who cited a unnamed source suggesting Hugh Jackman has been working on getting Wolverine into a Marvel Cinematic Universe film, aka the Avengers.      I kind of blew the article off, unnamed source and all.
Today Hugh Jackman again vocalized his opinion again that he would like to see Wolverine in the Avengers, check out the breaking story in Variety.  
I can give you ten good reasons that this most likely won't answer, but I will stop at one. 
What's in it for Marvel Studios/Disney?  
I mean the Avengers made $1.5 Billion dollars, its not like adding Hugh Jackman (or any other character they don't control the rights to) is going to make that number go up too much.    Even 1 point would require the movie to make $160 Million more to cover the increased costs.
But what if 20th Century Fox allows Hugh Jackman to appear in multiple MCU films for darn near free, because it wants to keep Jackman in the fold?   I mean if 20th Century Fox is considering it free advertising to build their brand what's the limit.
Here is what I think is in the works.
We know that a Hulk movie has been in the works, if you read between the lines if may be jumping up ahead of a couple of other movies. 
Hulk and Wolverine go way back and both have crossed paths several times in the comics and other animated medium.   Could a Hulk and Wolverine crossover movie be in the works, it would address  a number of problems with a stand alone Hulk film, introduce the most iconic raging hatred this side of Canadian Rockies.
Followed by Wolverine appearing in Avengers 3 the Infinity War/Gauntlet.  
The problem with this is we a short a movie slot between now and when Avengers 3 is most likely going to come out (May 2018).  
More to come on this story I am sure.


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