So I have to admit I am kind of excited by the latest X-Men movie "Days of Future Past" and for the past couple of days have been watching the geek channel, I mean youTube, catching up on what several sites have to say when I clicked on the Michael Fassbender's Magneto featurette found on (facebook) website.
You know exclusive footage of the film, in which it provides 60 seconds worth of film of which most 30 to 45 seconds is released in other formats, but after watching the first several and noting the little details on my last featurette, I about lost it, I was so steamed, frelling pissed is more like it.
A Few Lines that matter.
Ellen Page (out of character): "The Sentinels were created by Dr. Trask these incredible Mutant-Machine hybrids."
Professor X: "He [Dr. Trask] is going to capture her. ... And then they are going to wipe us out."
Magento: "Not if we change history tomorrow."
So what have we learned ...
- The Sentinels are using the DNA of mutants, specifically Mystique and Magento's, and being enjoined with machines. This is different than the robot machines from the comic books were the sentinels are "giant robots".
- Dr. Trask has created the Sentinels as a slave to humanity to wipe out the higher form of evolution so that homo-sapiens do not become extinct.
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