Reaction to Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer.

Posted by Jeff Labels: , , ,

I would like to add a few interesting tidbits on the Star Wars: Rogue One teaser trailer.

The focus of the trailer is introducing the new characters that this Star Wars Story centers on.   We get a full introduction to Felicity Jones character, including her name Jyn Erso.   We learn she is a more rebellious than most.    We must assume that this character is the primary protagonist of the film.  
I can hear the possibilities already with people suggesting that this could she be Rey's mother?
We have Forrest Whitaker's character narrating the later half of the trailer setting him up as a bad ass rebel.   He looks awesome in the few moments that we see him.   His voice is not as iconic as a few others
There is a few of a Imperial General played by Ben Mendelsohn dressed in a white Uniform and we assume that he is going to be the ultimate bad guy in the film.   It is a different look that stands out in sharp contrast to the other dark figures we have seen from Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, Grand Moff Tarkin and so on and so forth.

The lack of iconic characters in the trailer.   No Darth Vader, or rather probably not as there is a seen with two Imperial Body Guards  and a cloaked figure.    The idea of inquisitors and the fact it does not "truly" appear to be Darth Vader, not commanding enough presence,  suggests it is something else.

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Mon Mothma was cut from the film to shorten the length of the film.   She returns here as one of the leaders of the rebellion.    We here questioning Jyn Erso and giving her orders.

Adding too many images really length out these reviews so here are a few more thoughts.

It is nice to see the "classic" rebellion uniforms, a visit to the rebel base on Yavin.   I like that the have a more tropical environment setting with a battle with classic AT AT Walkers.    
It was a nice mix of new and old.    Even on a 31" HD display I could not appreciate the magnitude of the Death Star as the Deflector Dish was moved into place.   Can you imagine that scene in Imax?

What I didn't like about the trailer, it was a good trailer but didn't get me as hyped as many trailers have about movies.  It was purposeful in introducing us to the new story and the characters in the story but it lacked the that grabbing moment of say the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailers.   Could you imagine the ending of the Trailer with Darth Vader's breathing rather than the musical notes?


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