Confirmed - Suicide Squad

Posted by Jeff Labels: ,

Tom Hardy will play Rick Flag (assumed to be Rick Flag Jr. by the way for you DC Comic book aficionados.)    Rick Flag is the leader of the Suicide Squad, a DC universe team of anti-heroes used in ways that can be officially denied by the powers that be.

Margot Robbie, The Wolf of Wall Street and PanAm, will star as Harley Quinn - often known as the Joker's Girl Friend.

Deadshot, the hired assassin who claim to have never missed a shot, will be played by Will Smith.

Cara Delvingne will star as the Enchantress, a mystic who is both a superhero and supervillian in the DC Comic Universe.

Jared Leto gets the nod as the Joker.   He has big shoes to fill in even coming close to the performance that Heath Ledger's that lead to an Oscar.

Jai Courtney fills out the announced roles so far as Boomerang (Captain Boomerang) arch-villain of the Flash.

Much ahs been made of the Warner Borthers / DC Comics decision to make Suicide Squad and release it so early in their Cinematic Universe.     The theory currently making rounds is the Lex Luther will be the ultimate bad guy in the DCU and he will spend many movies attempting to manipulate the story to has advantage. 


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